December 10 marks Human Rights Day and the final day of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence. The ‘’It’s Not Just‘’ theme for this year’s campaign reminds Canadians of the injustice of Gender-based Violence and calls for action against GBV by addressing the beliefs and behaviours that perpetuate violence.
Get to know some of the Equal Futures Network members and partners working to end Gender-based Violence and providing resources and supports for survivors:
Amelia Rising Sexual Violence Support Centre is based in North Bay and supports survivors and advocates for systemic and social change required to end sexual and gender-based violence.: https://canwach.ca/organization/amelia-rising-sexual-violence-support-centre/
Aura Freedom is a grassroots, intersectional feminist organization working in Canada and internationally to end gender-based violence through advocacy and education: https://canwach.ca/organization/aura-freedom-international/
Centre d’aide et de lutte contre les agressions à caractère sexuel (CALACS) is a Châteauguay-based activist, feminist, non-racist community-based organization that works to end all forms of sexual violence: https://canwach.ca/organization/centre-daide-et-de-lutte-contre-les-agressions-a-caractere-sexuel-calacs-chateauguay/
Fem’aide is the Ontario provincial helpline for francophone or French-speaking women dealing with #GBV. Fem’aide provides support, information and referrals to appropriate services in their community 24 hours a day, seven days a week: https://canwach.ca/organization/femaide/
INÉÉI-PSH is a national, independent organization dedicated to the elimination of all forms of violence and discrimination against persons with disabilities of all ages, genders and ethnocultural origins: https://canwach.ca/organization/ineei-psh/
Timmins and Area Women in Crisis is a dynamic, community-based feminist organization which provides services on intimate partner abuse and sexual violence in the Timmins area. https://canwach.ca/organization/timmins-and-area-women-in-crisis/
We Worthy Women is a Halifax-based Canadian non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention and elimination of sexual and gender-based violence through education, advocacy, and community-based initiatives. : https://canwach.ca/organization/we-worthy-women/
Visit the Equal Futures Network Map to see more organizations with a focus on Gender-Based Violence: https://equalfuturesnetwork.ca/map/
The Equal Futures Network acknowledges that Indigenous people are the traditional guardians of Turtle Island, on the land also known as Canada