Next Gen Men Circle talks Raising Feminist Children
How do we practice feminist principles in our parenting? It’s a big question that leads to even more questions!
- How do we role model gender equity, consent, accountability, vulnerability, and freedom from gender stereotypes in our homes? What can we learn from them?
- How do we deal with the fact that our kids will be influenced by sexism and other ‘isms’ outside of our homes (and within our homes, because try as we might, we are not perfect!)?
- How do we teach out children about systemic injustices, while fighting to change the world for their generation and generations to come? Where do they teach us?
Not a parent? That’s fine! We are all role models for the next generation, as coaches, teachers, relatives, mentors, and community members — this event is for everyone who wants to have a positive impact on the next gen.
Join the conversation on Thursday May 20 at 7pm MST!
Hope to see you there!