Safeguarding Girls at Risk in Canada: Recognizing & Preventing FGM/C
This webinar aims to equip teachers, caregivers, social workers and pediatric care providers with the knowledge they need to take the appropriate action in protecting girls in Canada from FGM/C.
• Hibo Wardere, UK Survivor, Activist & Educator
• Annick Legault, Lawyer in Refugee & Immigration Law
• One Vision One Voice
• Fahma Mohamed, Anti-FGM Campaigner
• Recognizing signs and protection from vacation cutting presented by Hibo Wardere
• The legal framework in Canada presented by Annick Legault
• One Vision One Voice program from the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies will present on the process of duty to report and child welfare for African Canadians
• Fahma Mohamed’s activism has resulted in compulsory training for public sector workers to help teachers, doctors and social workers identify and assist girls at risk
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