Canada’s Chambers of Commerce: Where does inclusivity fit?
As part of the Clearing a New Path™ podcast and newsletter commitment to building a more united, progressive, feminist community in rural Canada, one that genuinely embraces diversity and is driven by reconciliation, podcast host, Shauna Rae will facilitate this 2 hour collaborative conversation.
The aim of these virtual town halls is to create safer and braver spaces to ask difficult questions and foster healthy — and sometimes provocative — dialogue that you won’t find elsewhere in traditional rural media.
This conversation is about diversity, equity and inclusion in the business world, how that plays out in business organizations. We’ll discuss experiences from specific entrepreneurs in rural communities and the beginnings, purpose and mission of chambers of commerce that serve specific groups and communities.
Wednesday August 24, 2022
4 – 6 PM EST
Nancy Wilson: Canadian Women’s Chamber of Commerce
A.J. Stewart: Canadian Gay Lesbian Chamber of Commerce
Michelle Meghie: Canadian Black Chamber of Commerce
Stella Sehn: Sweet Pure Honey – Medicine Hall Alberta/Porcupine Plain, Saskatchewan
Student working group: Report Card on the DEI Practices of Canada’s Chambers of Commerce
04:00 PM EST | Opening Remarks & Introductions of ‘alternative’ chambers. Why do they exist? How did they organize?
04:45 PM EST | Explanation of how the report card project materialized
04:55 PM EST | Break
05:05 PM EST | Post secondary students talk about the Venture for Canada project they have been working on, assessing the DEI practices of Canada’s ‘traditional’ Chambers of Commerce and thoughts on recommendations.
05:35 PM EST | Discussion on recommendations and the path forward
05:55 PM EST | Closing remarks
Anyone who has been, or intends to be a member of a business association, to help network and promote their business. Do you see yourself represented there?
Attendees will have the opportunity to hear about the experience of others, and some alternatives to traditional business associations.
They’ll hear the results of a student project, conducted by traditionally underrepresented students, on the DEI practices of Canada’s chambers. As young professionals, did they feel welcome? Are these organizations with safe(r) and brave(r) spaces for all?
We’re grateful to the Canadian Women’s Chamber of Commerce for hosting the event and providing assistance with registration/logistics.
We’re grateful to Venture for Canada, the platform that brought the students together.
We’re grateful to the panelists for their time and to the students for their exceptional courage in this work.
We’re grateful to attendees for their motivation to be better and do better.
*If you cannot attend, please register. Once the report is released, it will be sent out to attendees.