Immigrant and Refugee Health Event: Barriers to Sexual Health
Medical Herstory will be partnering with the Canadian Advisory of Women Immigrants (CAWI) to host an interactive panel event addressing the topic of sexual health as it pertains to immigrant and refugee populations.
Our diverse panel consist of individuals with lived experience and those supporting the health and wellbeing of immigrants and refugees.
During this panel we will be addressing the barriers faced by these communities when accessing sexual healthcare and how healthcare providers can help to break down these barriers, ensuring equitable healthcare for all
Here is a brief overview of the speakers that will be attending our event. Register and attend to hear more about their stories and what they have to say about refugee and immigrant sexual health!
- Dr. Hoda Ghonim is an internationally trained physician, specialized in Obstetrics & Gynecology. She has been working with SHORE Centre for almost 5 years as Newcomer Health program coordinator, developing and facilitating programs for newcomers and talking about reproductive justice and reproductive rights in Canada.
- Natasha (or Lama, she enjoys both names) is a Malaysian-Indian sex-positive advocate and educator. With her background in Psychology and Public Health, specialising in sexual health, Natasha is all about destigmatising STIs and celebrating any conversation to do with our pleasure, sexuality, relationships, and bodies.
- Leila is a campaigner and communicator from London where she works at social impact communications agency Shape History on digital advocacy and communications projects. Currently, she is working on an initiative called Love Sex Life (LSL), which was commissioned by the councils of Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham in South London to promote better Sexual and Reproductive Health to residents of diverse heritage, with a focus on residents from Black African and Caribbean backgrounds.