Menstrual Equity in Canada: What is happening in Public Policy?
Join one of two sections for the initial segment, based on what you want to learn or discuss.
Public Policy
The intended audience is people who want to know more about public policy, who have insights to share about public policy, or want to learn more.
We will start with an overview of current Canadian public policy on menstrual equity, then open the discussion to what is happening next, and what gaps need to be addressed in current and future policy.
Grassroots Advocacy
The intended audience is people who want to make change happen in the menstrual equity space, or want to learn more about what is happening on the ground.
In both groups, we are intentionally making space for Indigenous, Black and racialized menstruators to speak and attend.
All attendees will come together for the second portion of the event, where we will connect the two themes together and propose actionable next steps to move forward.
Expect a lively, non-conventional sharing of information at this event. We are not doing things by the book 🙂
We make space at each of our events for “Share The Platform”, a free service open to all Canadian groups advocating for menstrual equity and working to address period poverty.
This segment provides the audience an opportunity to discover menstrual equity groups across Canada.
If you would like your group to be included (it’s free), please email us at and we will make it happen.