Impacts and addressing Indigenous identity fraud
We invite you to join our daily Lunch and Learn webinars – an immersive experience to UN-learn the myths of colonial history in Canada.
Lunch and Learn sessions are aimed at an adult audience, and open to the public, and will be hosted virtually over Zoom Webinar and streamed to YouTube.
Expert matter speakers will present for 40-50 minutes before a Q&A between the moderator and guest(s).
All sessions will have simultaneous English-French, and ASL interpretation.
Truth and Reconciliation Week daily Lunch and Learn webinars are presented with the gracious support of Enbridge and the Canadian Public Health Association.
Speakers Michelle Cyca and Residential School Survivor Dickie Yuzicapi will examine the issue of Indigenous identity fraud and unpack the practice of “pretendianism” and its harmful impacts. Audience members will come away with an understanding of the reach and impact of identity fraud and what can be done to address it.